Frost Burned by Paticia Briggs
March 2013
Ace Hardcover
340p (Hardcover)
RATING: ★★★★☆
GENRE: Urban Fantasy.
Frost Burned is the seventh Mercy Thompson book while I love the Mercy Thompson series, the past few books definitely slowed the series down, but I am Happy to say the Frost Burned picks it back up to its fun, action packed world.
Mercy Thompson's life has undergone a seismic change. Becoming the mate of Adam Hauptman - the charismatic Alpha of the local werewolf pack - has made her a stepmother to his daughter Jesse, a relationship that brings moments of blissful normalcy to Mercy's life. But on the edges of humanity, a minor mishap on an ordinary day can turn into so much more. After an accident in bumper-to-bumper traffic, Mercy and Jesse can't reach Adam - or anyone else in the pack for that matter. They've all been abducted. Through their mating bond, all Mercy knows is that Adam is angry and in pain. Outclassed and on her own, Mercy may be forced to seek assistance from the most unlikely of allies: the vampire seethe.
After her fear of losing herself in previous book to her mate bond to the pack, it is nice to see Mercy feel so comfortable and grow into her role has mate to the Alpha of the Columbia Basin Pack. Since River Marked, Mercy truly becomes the Alpha’s mate and protects the pack to the best of her ability.
“I was going to have to come up with a rank for myself besides Alpha’s mate. In the pack, I was just Mercy – but if ten more people called me the Alpha’s mate, I was going to hit someone. It sounded like a chess move.”
Frost burned starts with Adam and almost the entire pack being kidnapped by alleged Federal Agents, who want to set the werewolves up to kill a senator in order for them to look bad in the public eye. In order to protect the pack and his family, Jesse and Mercy, Adam may forced to play these kidnappers games.
Within Frost burned we are also given a rare inside Adam POV that was both unexpected and welcomed. While it took adjustment, I read the first page without with confusing not realising, it was a great way to understand Adam more and Patricia Briggs told the male perspective excellently. While the change of perspective didn't bother me, it was the change from first-person view to third-person view. The feel of the chance would have worked better if both POV’s were in first person. I do hope there is more the voice of Adam in the next books.
Frost Burned almost felt like two books in one, during-kidnapping and post-kidnapping. While the stories connected, each half of the book had different sets of secondary characters interacting and helping Mercy. Characters who were predominant within the first half (Jesse, Ben, Tad and Kyle) became fairly scarce in the climax of the book. Most character we have been introduced to show up within this books, with the exception of Bran and Samuel.
I would suggest for readers who have given the series up after the past few books to pick this one up, its gives us all the qualities we love in this series and more. To the readers who haven't picked this series up at all, I strongly suggest giving Moon Called a chance ASAP, as this series is a great take on urban fantasy that has great characters and a great world.